How to overcome drug and alcohol addiction

PBO 930047796 REG NO 2009/003848/08

BEE LEVEL 4 001/20130408


Keep the Dream 255 is not a drug rehab, but a recovery facility for all people going through abuse of all sorts. To date we have had some 1780 students that we have assisted with a success rate of average 67% .

Drugs, alcohol, women and child abuse, are amongst the greatest threads on the Garden Route in the Western Cape After 25 years in the recovery of people from addiction we have discovered the following, whilst doing it in our own home:

  • Addiction is not an illness it is a state of mind that can be altered through love, acceptance, sense of belonging and purpose
  • Although a lot of programs claimed success it is eminent that it is purely an illusion to the distressed parents to “help” their children
  • In order to really recover people that are addicted, facilities are required that cater for the following:
    • Offices for the intervention, introduction and administration
    • Sleeping quarters for men and women separately
    • Sleeping quarters for women with children
    • Kitchen to prepare food and storage of foods
    • Playground for children and space for adults to have various activities
    • Restaurant /art shop where women can work to sell the goods they make and serve in the restaurant
    • Workshop where men can learn various trades such as metal work, wood work, engine building mechanics, engineering, welding
  • A farm has been identified  that has some buildings on to start the process and work from there in terms of priorities and various projects
  • The plan is to enable” investors” to also have a “piece of heaven” where they can come and relax with no internet or tv just stars and campfires and these units be rented out to sustain the investment plus returns
  • All finances made on the property will be utilized to pay off the “ investors ”and to build a sustainable home for the broken ,whilst also ensuring that staff are taken care of financially

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% success rate


years experience


% free will